Selva Textiles

Company Name: Selva Textiles

Address: Santa Barbara, California, United States, 93106

Phone Number:

Company Description: For inquiries please contact: There are 482 billion yards of excess fabric, also known as deadstock, created each year worldwide. Some of this goes to landfill or is burned, and the rest is sold by third-party intermediaries called jobbers. Fashion is the in the top five most polluting sectors in the world, in part due to the current waste stream. The industry will simply not be able to keep up with the demands for production given the decreased yields predicted because of climate change unless it becomes more efficient. Selva plans to disrupt this wasteful supply chain by brokering the sale of deadstock fabric from mills to fashion designers in the United States. Jobbers currently monopolize this market - and give textile mills pennies on the dollar only to markup the price over 2000% in selling to designers. We will provide the mills demand for their deadstock fabric, and offer then over ten times what they are currently making from jobbers. As of now, for designers to find the deadstock they need they have to walk through fashion districts searching seemingly endless warehouses; wasting time and money that can make or break profit margins for small to midsize design firms. Designers will be able to find a variety of fabric all in one convenient place, and this will allow them to but design first instead of sourcing. We will be moving this archaic industry online, and modernize the way deadstock is sold- while providing added value for both sides of our supply chain and preventing waste.

List of Services:

Employee Count: 3

Founded: 2019

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