
Students - there has never been an easier way to find part-time jobs that fit your interests and your schedules. Employers - connect quickly and easily with college students for babysitting, tutoring, moving, office/retail/restaurant work, dog walking and so much more!

Company Name: QuadJobs

Address: 125 Mason St, Greenwich, Connecticut, United States, 06830-6605

Phone Number: 203-622-1080


Company Description: QuadJobs connects college and graduate students with local, on-demand jobs -- from babysitting to party help, moving couches to staffing marketing events. We track every job a student takes and gather performance reviews from employers, creating a unique JobGPA for each student that employers use to make informed hires. It's easy to find available, hardworking, qualified students in your community to get a job done, and it's easy to rehire students you've worked with successfully. Students who work have higher GPAs, are more likely to graduate, and have better success landing a job after college. Small jobs add up and QuadJobs is here to make them accessible!

List of Services: marketplaces, edtech, information technology, parttime jobs, babysitting, tutoring, housekeeping, tech help, moving labor, junk removal, web design, event help, marketing, sales, college students, retail work, office work, errands, seasonal jobs, organizing, personal assistants, freelancers, graphic design, dog walking, internships

Employee Count: 7

Founded: 2014

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