Corbett Industrial provides environmental and industrial cleanup services in NYS. With a home base in the Capital region, we provide diverse solutions including maintenance, mitigation and cleaning services for manufacturers, municipalities and private facilities. We also provide disposal and remediation services, specializing in lab pack / regulated waste disposal. CICS is a growing local business with contracts throughout NYS and beyond. Check out our website to see our available job positions!
Address: Albany, New York, United States
Phone Number: 518-439-3950
Company Description: Corbett Industrial provides environmental and industrial cleanup services in NYS. With a home base in the Capital region, we provide diverse solutions including maintenance, mitigation and cleaning services for manufacturers, municipalities and private facilities. We also provide disposal and remediation services, specializing in lab pack / regulated waste disposal. CICS is a growing local business with contracts throughout NYS and beyond. Check out our website to see our available job positions!
List of Services: vacuum truck & jetting services, remote video inspections of pipes, lab pack services categorization, permitting, profiling, packaging, transport & disposal of regulated waste, hazardous waste management & disposal services, nonhazardous waste management & disposal services, underground storage tank cleaning & removals, confined space entry, contaminated soil remediation & disposal services, remediation systems, maintenance, cleanup & changeouts, site investigations, plant shutdown & equipment cleaning, groundwater remediation, hazmat & bulk spill cleanup, highpressure water & media blasting services
Employee Count: 4
Founded: 2015
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