Cleaning Contractors

We have the experience to get the job done right! Cleaning Contractors Inc. (CCI) is an individually-owned and operated facility management company with servic

Company Name: Cleaning Contractors

Address: 26500 Brest Rd, Taylor, Michigan, United States, 48180

Phone Number: 734-946-4270

Company Description: Cleaning Contractors Inc. (CCI) is a certified woman owned facility management company with services offered throughout North America. Established for more than 30 years, CCI has gained the experience that makes a difference.Our mission is to provide total facility management support and industrial cleaning services at lower costs to our valued customers. At CCI, all of our trained, experienced and professional staff are committed to excellence, safety and customer satisfaction. We consider ourselves to be leaders in our field and routinely set industry best practices. By continually improving our standards, we're able to see increasingly positive and efficient results in plant operations.

List of Services: sewer cleaning, universal waste removal, above ground storage tank removal, underground storage tank removal, lagoon closures, environmental excavation work, media blasting sand, ice, sponge, hydro blasting, 5k to 40k, hydro excavation, sewer video inspection, vacuum services, lead abatement

Employee Count: 73


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