Top Web Analytics Platforms Utilized by Leading Waste Management Companies


What’s the web analytics platform usage among the top 1500 waste management companies in the USA? Our team discovered active usage of over 45 different analytics platforms among various large and mid-size US-based waste management companies. While everyone uses Google Analytics as a primary tool, many companies employ additional web analytics tools to compensate for some of Google Analytics' limitations.

Top Findings

Sample companies leverage 2-3 web analytics platforms simultaneously, with a heavy focus on company identification, behavior visualization, and additional social media focused data collection.

15% of the sample leverage LinkedIn Insights website integration to collect detailed data on their website visitors, including job titles, industries they work in, and types of jobs they have.

We identified over 1,000 instances of non-Google Analytics tool usage, highlighting the diverse interests in understanding website visitor behavior. Numerous use cases of HotJar and similar solutions were detected across the sample.

LinkedIn Insights, HubSpot Analytics, HotJar, Facebook Domain Insights, and CrazyEgg are the top five choices after Google Analytics.

Web Analytics Platform Usage

Global Web Analytics Usage Comparison

Below are the global web analytics platform usage statistics across over 6 million websites. Compare these with the web analytics tool usage among waste management companies to see if there are any significant differences. Here are the top 20 web analytics platforms and technologies based on global usage:

Web Analytics Platform Usage

Other Findings

260 web analytics tools and platforms are used globally. Our sample of 1500 waste management companies leverages 47 of them.

It was interesting to see that on a global use case level HubSpot analytics solution was not present in the top choices.

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